Reimbursement System​

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Procedure Reimbursement

HOME : Reimbursement System​ : Procedure Reimbursement

Payment System in National Health Insurance

Service Type Payment System Features
Out patient Fee for Service Major payment system for NHI
In patient Fee for Service Major payment system for NHI
Diagnosis Related Groups 7 surgical categories
- Cataract surgery
- Tonsillectomy
- Anal hemorrhoidectomy
- Inguinal herniorrhaphy
- Appendectomy
- Caesarean section
- Hysterectomy
Per-Diem Long-term care hospital

Procedure Listing System

System Negative List System
- All technology passing through New Health Technology Assessment, should be classified as NHI covered service(Reimbursement) or NHI non-covered service(non-reimbursement)
Applicant Related medical association or Service provider (hospital, clinic, and etc.)
Listing Application Apply within 30 days from the date of treating first patient after completion of new health technology assessment
Notification Public announcement by Minister of Health and Welfare

Procedure Reimbursement Appraisal Process