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New Health Technology Assessment (nHTA)

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New Health Technology Assessment (nHTA)

Scientifically, health technologies include not only drugs, treatment materials and internal medicinal/surgical operations used in healthcare, but also all of the organizational and supportive systems involved in the process of providing healthcare services. Health technology assessment looks not only at the safety, effectiveness and cost effectiveness of relevant technologies but also all the social, ethical and legal effects of the technologies.
The subjects of health technology assessment in Korea are internal medicinal/surgical operations and related tests; assessment areas are divided into safety/effectiveness assessment pursuant to the Medical Services Act and the suitability of benefits and cost-effectiveness pursuant to the National Health Insurance Act.

Application for Assessment

Medical institutions can apply for evaluation of new health technology without exercising medical treatments of patients.
Anyone can apply for new health technology assessment. An applicant shall fill the application form for new health technology assessment and shall submit it accompanied by relevant required documents to the chairman of the National Evidenced-based Healthcare Collaborating.

Assessment Procedure for New Health Technology